Wednesday, June 06, 2007

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老师 => 学生

新加坡华文教师总会 (Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union)首次举行的基本数码录影课程(basic digitial video course)获得教师们的热烈反应。




他们也学如何用 Windows Movie Maker 与其他类似软件, 把拍摄的片段剪接,再加上不同的效果与音乐,制造属于自己的小电影!

这两天的课程让参加的华文教师获益不浅,原本陌生的软件也获悉了。课程 未落幕,他们就开始询问有关高级录影课程,可见教师们的求知欲高,也是对我们主办一个好和有趣的课程的最佳肯定!


Teachers => Students

Colorwise conducted the first 'basic digital video course' for the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union (SCTU). The course was taught in Mandarin (english courses are available too). Participants learnt the theories for videography, how to use and apply the various functions, how to compose a video, etc.

The highlight of the course was a hands-on practical session. Participants went around the nearby Geylang Street, filming clips to showcase the area's rich history and famous food culture. Through this activity, they had a first-hand encounter with possible problems arising when handling the video-cameras, such as a noisy background will make it difficult to comprehend narration. Making theory come alive is the best way to learn!

They were also taught how to use Windows Movie Maker and other software to edit and combine short clips. The various effects and tools available was a big eye-opener for the participants.Before the end of the course, they were already enquiring about intermediate/adavance video courses that they can sign up for.
This is probably the best vote of confidence they can give us for a course well-conducted!

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